Branding Guidelines

Vision Federal Market Forecast Conference
Branding Guidelines Toolkit


Use any of the branding elements below to promote PSC's Vision Conference including speakers, sessions, or attendance. 

Click here to access the social media toolkit.

Suggested Post
Helpful Hint: To save image, right click on it and select "save image as".

Primary Logotype

Vision Logo Color 2024
Vision Conference Logo All Black 2024
24 Vision Conference Logo w Black BG

Secondary Logotype

Vision Conference Logo Color 2024
Vision Conference Logo All Black
Vision Conference Logo w Black BG

Brand in Text

Font: Futura PT, all caps (FEDERAL MARKET FORECAST + CONFERENCE)​                                      ​Font: Myriad Pro (Presented by)

Color Scheme

Orange #e56022



Blue #24247B



Purple #432469​



Things to Avoid

Change Color-1
Shadow Drop-1
Remove Element-1
  • Avoid changing the font of any logotype element.

  • Avoid adding a gradient to the logo unless authorized. 

  • Avoid adding a drop shadow to any logo element unless authorized.

  • Avoid changing the color of any logotype element.
Change Size-1
  • Avoid changing size of any logotype element.

  • Avoid removing any elements of the logo.

  • Avoid changing any words in the logotype element.