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Get the only non-profit intelligence of the defense, civilian, and federal IT markets

Released on Nov. 19, 2024 during the two-day Vision Conference​

Budget Trends
Reform Initiatives
Market Drivers
Business Opportunities

Federal IT Reports

Defense Reports

Civilian Reports

About Vision



“The sessions have really helped me in putting together the correct strategy forward with the various client base that I have within government.”

– Director, Consulting, CGI


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The Vision Federal Market Forecast includes 20+ in-depth reports on federal IT, defense and civilian budget trends, reform initiatives, drivers, and potential business opportunities.


The reports are a year-long culmination of research and non-attribution discussions with 400+ government leaders, think tank experts, Congressional staff and Wall street analysts conducted by vetted and trained industry.


The Vision Forecast is the only non-profit reporting of the defense, civilian, and federal IT markets. It is presented and organized by the PSC Foundation.


Reports are released digitally during the annual Vision Conference in November, where research leads present report findings and government leaders comment on the results through keynotes and panel sessions.

Vision Federal Market Forecast Conference

November 19-20, 2024| Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C. & Virtual


The Vision Conference marks the release of the 60th Annual Federal Market Forecast, 20+ in-depth reports on federal IT, defense and civilian agencies.

Budget Trends
Reform Initiatives
Market Drivers
Business Opportunities

Join industry and government leaders to hear researchers present report findings and federal executives comment on the results through keynotes and panel sessions.

Conference Highlights

On Demand (2) Keynote & Plenary Sessions
Mobile AppBreaks Conference Mobile App
Q&AHour Q&A Time for Speakers
On Demand-1 On-Demand Access to Select Sessions
Exhibitor-1 Exhibitors
Buffet Lunch-1 Buffet Lunch
Networking Breaks Dedicated Networking Breaks
Happy Hour Post-event Happy Hour
Session-1 And More!

Access to all conference plenary sessions and keynotes are included with your report purchase. You have the option of attending live on day one or watching sessions on-demand.

Featured Plenary Sessions

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Custom select agency-specific reports and associated presentations to attend. Only pay for what you want to access!

Featured Speakers


Check back soon! Featured speakers coming soon!

Visionary Sponsors

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November 19, 2024 Day 1

8:00 a.m. ET
Opening Remarks
8:10 a.m. ET
Macro-economic and DoD Topline

This team prepares a forecast that analyzes the technology trends and dynamics related to Information Technology (IT) and Cyber capabilities and systems in the Department of Defense. This study team takes a qualitative look at federal technology trends and assesses how these trends will impact future business opportunities for the Defense professional services industry. For example, the cybersecurity threat results in many opportunities to provide defensive and counter-threat capabilities across our IT infrastructure and within the cyber domain. The team will report on emerging artificial intelligence and other technology initiatives supporting the DoD IT and cyber missions. The team will also assess how technology is impacting government business processes, procurement of products and services, and Government’s willingness to embrace technology.

8:50 a.m. ET
Federal IT Management and Budget
This team prepares an annual five-year budget forecast of the IT market for civil and defense sectors of the federal government, including an assessment of related plans, programs, and market topics that cover computers, telecommunication systems, and related products and services. The committee provides an overall analysis of the federal and IT budgets for various civil and defense agencies, looks at top-line dollars and trends, and then forecasts federal IT spending for the next five years. Included in this forecast is an assessment of the various agency Exhibit 53 submissions to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The effects of government administrative policies and procedures on the IT marketplace are determined in cooperation with government agencies, and a determination is made on essential facts and figures relating to the IT market
9:30 a.m. ET
Acquisitions Trends
The Acquisition Trends Team will focus on one of the most dynamic aspects of Federal business – agency acquisition patterns – what are the trends for the Best-in-Class contracts, protests, AI, work site requirements, joint ventures, and small business contracting to name just a few hot topics. Understand how new policies and new acquisition initiatives will impact your bids and your business​
10:00 a.m. ET
Networking Break
10:20 a.m. ET
Customer Experience
With today’s focus on improving government services, the Professional Services Council formed a Vision Forecast team to focus on citizen services and/or customer experience (CX).  This team focuses on identifying the priorities and challenges agencies are having when improving services from the perspective of governance, strategy, performance measures, design thinking, culture, and customer research and understanding. Discussions are conducted with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), agency customer experience and digital services teams, and IT staff. Improving government services has been a focus for several Administrations and has been implemented through guidance in Section 280 of OMB Circular A-11.  The 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) was also passed in December 2018 to focus federal agencies on improving digital experiences by improving websites, digitizing forms and electronic signatures. 
10:50 a.m. ET
Industry Outlook/ Panel
This team takes a bird’s-eye view of the market through the lens of the financial & analyst community.  Interviews include major financial institutions and analysts who cover government services companies.  A wide range of topics are covered including the macro view of government acquisition & buying trends, implications of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the environment for M&A and impact on the industry, and potential market disruptors such as non-traditional competitors.  This “outside-in” perspective complements the other teams that are interviewing the government directly resulting in a 360 degree view of market dynamics.
11:35 a.m. ET
12:05 p.m. ET
Networking Lunch
1:00–5:10 p.m. ET
Breakouts 1 & 2
Track One
1:00 PM ET Defense Services The DoD Services team provides an in-depth evaluation and analysis of the defense services sector to include top-level support priorities under a new administration, defense Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Knowledge Based Services (KBS) budgets, as well as major technology topics facing this changing market. The report developed by this team provides an excellent understanding of these key trend as the DoD invests in new technologies and modernization.
 1:50 PM ET DoD Information Technology (IT) and Cyber This team prepares a forecast of the emerging trends and dynamics related to IT and Cyber from a DoD perspective. The team explores the latest policies, technologies, and operations affecting the Department’s ability to deliver advanced IT and Cyber solutions across the DoD enterprise. The forecast also includes a presentation of budgets aligned to IT and Cyber priorities for the Department.
 2:25 PM ET Military Health This team will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
3:00 PM ET Health and Human Services  This team will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
 3:50 PM ET Veteran Affairs This team will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.   
 4:40 PM ET NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration presentation will focus on providing information on agency initiatives. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, and outside influences.
 5:10 PM ET  Wrap-Up & Networking Reception
Track Two
1:00 PM ET Civilian Services Federal Civilian Agencies differ significantly in their missions, budgets, constituencies etc. However, an in-depth examination of the Civilian Agency interviews by our Civilian Agency team of volunteers uncovers important commonalities amongst the Civilian sector. Understanding these commonalities is valuable for Vision attendees because business strategies, technical solutions, and acquisition approaches utilized by one agency can be potentially applicable to other Civilian agencies. For contractors, this means there is value in knowing what these similarities and trends are in order to help the Government solve common challenges more quickly and efficiently and to assist companies in potentially supporting their business growth from one Civilian agency account to another. 
 1:35 PM ET Department of Homeland Security Panel w/ Government Leaders With the release of the statutorily required Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), DHS reaffirms their five enduring missions while also adding a new mission: Combat Crimes of Exploitation and Protect Victims. Crimes of exploitation —human trafficking, labor exploitation, and child exploitation— occur at alarmingly high rates, both in the  United States and abroad. Reflecting the overriding importance of supporting victims and stopping perpetrators, the Department has redoubled its efforts to combat these heinous crimes.  Using updated policies, targeted operations, and by leveraging cutting-edge technology, DHS is further targeting those who seek to exploit the vulnerable while identifying and rescuing victims. In recognition that industry must work together with DHS components  and other law enforcement organizations in order to accomplish this strategic objective, we’ve gathered a diverse panel to explore this topic and enhance communications between government and industry. 
2:25 PM ET State The Department of State will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
3:15 PM ET Treasury This team will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
4:05 PM ET Justice The Department of Justice will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
4:40 PM ET Commerce This team will look at topics focused on providing in-depth information on agency initiatives and opportunities. Emphasis will be on strategic plans, procurements and programs, technologies, trends and drivers, the political landscape, co-agency initiatives/roles, and outside influences.
5:10 PM ET   Wrap-Up & Networking Reception

November 20, 2024 Day 2

Virtual Only
9:00 a.m. ET
Health and Human Services
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs. 
10:00 a.m. ET
10:05 a.m ET
Department of Homeland Security
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Department of Homeland Security, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs. 
11:05 a.m. ET
11:10 a.m. ET
Department of Transportation
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Department of Transportation, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs.
11:40 a.m. ET
12:10 p.m. ET
Department of Energy
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Department of Energy, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs.
12:40 p.m. ET
12:45 p.m. ET
Department of Agriculture
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Department of Agriculture, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs.
1:15 p.m. ET
1:20 p.m. ET
This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Environmental Agency, specifically focusing on objectives and priorities outlined within the agency mission.  It addresses factors impacting their ability to execute this mission, such as: strategic plans, trends and drives, and outside influences. The report also includes an overview of the agency budget, including a discretionary and federal IT forecast, to help report holders and conference attendees identify future opportunities within the department. Further, the study findings will help you gain insight into key initiatives, programs and upcoming procurements, and agency technology needs.